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Сервис почтовых рассылок

Списки рассылки - руководство пользователя

Как работает служба списков рассылок

The mailing-list service is managed by a mailing-list software: Sympa. This software comes with a web mailing list environment.

To perform actions related to mailing lists (subscribe, change your options, etc.), you have two options:

To send a command to Sympa, do as follows:

Описание всех команд, которые могут быть посланы Sympa, доступно /wws help/mail_commands.

Подписка на списки рассылки

Процедура подписки на список рассылки очень проста:

  1. Выберите адрес, которым Вы хотите подписаться на рассылку.

    Вам необходимо выбрать такой адрес, который Вы сможете часто проверять и который имеет большой объём почтового ящика: в некоторых списках рассылки распространяется много сообщений, которые иногда содержат большие вложения.

    Конечно, Вы можете подписаться на один и тот же список рассылки несколькими почтовыми адресами. Поэтому Вым придётся повторить этот процесс с различными почтовыми адресами.

  2. Отправьте сообщение на с адреса, который планируется подписать на рассылку.

    Sympa не человек, а всего лишь почтовый робот. Ему бесполезно слать признания в любви! :-)

  3. В теме письма напишите subscribe названиеспискарассылки Имя Фамилия (замените 'названиеспискарассылки ' на название списка рассылки, на которую хотите подписаться и укажите свои имя и фамилию).
  4. Тело письма оставьте пустым.

    Чтобы сэкономить немного времени, Вы можете послать несколько команд в одном письме. Чтобы это сделать, действуйте по инструкции, доступной в секции Как работает сервис почтовой рассылки.

After this, you will receive a message telling you whether your request was accepted or not: if the subscription to the list is subject to any approval, the list owner may choose not to subscribe you. If so, do not send several other requests: it is useless as the result will remain the same. You can possibly send a message directly to the list owner ( to explain why you really want to subscribe to the list...

Note: you will sometimes be asked to confirm your subscription request before it can be processed. If so, please conform to the instructions contained in the message you receive.

According to the type of list (list with subscription subject to conditions or not) and to the availability of the list owner, you may not receive the notice immediately. It is useless to send several requests.

If your request is accepted, the message you receive confirms your subscription to the list. This message (the list Charter) contains several pieces of essential information:

You should keep your subscription notice: you may need it later to remember your password or to send a precise command to Sympa (example: signoff command). More generally, we advise you to keep all your subscription notices to mailing lists.

You can also subscribe to a list through the mailing list web interface. To do that, do as follows:

  1. Go to the list environment homepage and log on.
  2. Go to the information page of the list you want to subscribe to.
  3. In the left menu, click on the 'Subscribe' link.

Logging on to the mailing list environment

To log on to the mailing list environment, use the authentication form displayed on top of the left column of the web interface. When you are logged on, your email address and user profile (subscriber, moderator or owner) are displayed there.

The authentication process varies according to your personal situation:

Remember: the list password is a special password you will only use for the mailing list service.

Checking your subscriptions

To see all the lists you subscribed to, you need to log on first. Then a list of all your lists, including a short description for each of them, will be displayed in the 'Your lists' form on the left column.

To look at a list information page, click on its name. The information page includes a description of the list (object, rules applying when sending a message, etc.), which length varies according to the list.

Form this information page, you can:

The number of people subscribed to the list is permanently displayed in the left menu. To review the list members, click on the 'Review members' link in the left menu (if the list-owner decided to deny access to the members list, this link is not available). The subscribers list displays and shows the email address and name of each of the subscribers (the indication of the name depends on the subscription method used by the subscribers).

By default, each page displays 25 subscribers. You can browse through the pages by using the browsing arrows or display more subscribers per page. You may also wish to sort subscribers according to their email address, domain or name by clicking on the corresponding column header.

The names of the list owners and moderators are displayed in the left menu. You should never write directly to a list owner or moderator. If you want to ask a question or make a comment, you should use the following address: (replace 'nameofthelist' by the name of the list in question).

To know when you subscribed to the list and when you last updated your subscriber options, click on the 'Subscriber options' link in the left menu.

Managing your preferences

To allow you to use lists more easily, you can define a number of personal preferences. There are two types of preferences you can change:

Changing your subscriber options

Your subscriber options can vary from a list to another. To change them, do as follows:

  1. Go to the list environment homepage and log on.
  2. Go to the information page of the list for which you want to change your subscriber options.
  3. In the left menu, click on the 'Subscriber options' link.
  4. Choose a message delivery mode (those options are mutually exclusive, thus you can not select several of them):
    • digest MIME format: instead of receiving the list messages in a normal manner, you will get a digest of them on a regular basis. This digest compiles a group of messages from the list, using multipart/digest MIME format. The digest frequency is set up by the list owner.
    • digest plain text format: instead of receiving the list messages in a normal manner, you will get a digest of them on a regular basis. This digest compiles a group of messages from the list, using plain text format. The digest frequency is set up by the list owner.
    • summary mode: instead of receiving the list messages in a normal manner, you will get a list of them on a regular basis. To read the messages, you will need to browse the online list archive.
    • notice mode: with this mode, you will receive all the messages with a blank body: this way you are informed of every message sent to the list real time, without risk of flooding your inbox.
    • no mail (useful for vacations): this mode makes it possible not to receive the messages of the list. It is especially useful when you have no access to your email for a long time and want to remain subscribed to the list nevertheless.
    • text only mode: this mode allows you to receive only the text version (text/plain) of messages sent in both formats (plain text and HTML).
    • HTML only mode: this mode allows you to receive only the HTML version (text/html) of messages sent in both formats.
    • urlize mode: this mode allows you not to receive attached documents. However these documents are available in the list archive and you can access them through a URL provided in the message.
    • you do not receive your own posts: this mode allows you not to receive a copy of your own messages.
    • standard (direct reception): this mode is the default delivery mode; it cancels any other delivery mode.
    • suspended: this mode allows you to suspend your subscription to one or more lists for a specified period or not. Unlike unsubscription, you can keep track of your subscription and reactivate it at any time by visiting the "Manage your subscription" section.
  5. Choose a visibility option:
    • listed in the list review page: your name and email address will be displayed in the members list (if the list owner allowed subscribers to review the list members).
    • concealed: your name and email address will not be displayed in the members list. However you email address will be visible in the list archive if you send messages.
  6. Click on the 'Update' button.

Changing your general preferences

The general preferences apply to all your subscriptions as well as to the way your Sympa mailing list web interface displays. To change your preferences, do as follows:

  1. Go to the list environment homepage and log on.
  2. In the form displayed on top of the left column, click on the 'Your preferences' link.
  3. Change your preferences.
  4. Click on 'Submit' for every option you change.

You can change:

The 'Your other email addresses' section acts like an email address change.

Searching for a mailing list

You may need to search for a mailing list. To do that, you have three options:

According to the domain to which your email address belongs (example:,, etc.) and to the location you log on from, you will not have access to the same lists. However you can subscribe to a list that does not display if you know its name. To do this, use your email client.

Reading a list archive online

Please refer to the archive documentation.

Sending a message

Please refer to the documentation about sending messages.

Using the shared document web space

Please refer to the shared document web space documentation.

Suspending or resuming your subscription of each list

Please refer to the subscription management documentation.

Unsubscribing from lists

To unsubscribe from a list, do as follows:

  1. From the address with which you subscribed to the list, send a message to
  2. In the subject line of your email, type in: unsubscribe nameofthelist (replace 'nameofthelist' by the name of the list you want to unsubscribe from).
  3. Тело письма оставьте пустым.

    Чтобы сэкономить немного времени, Вы можете послать несколько команд в одном письме. Чтобы это сделать, действуйте по инструкции, доступной в секции Как работает сервис почтовой рассылки.

You can also unsubscribe through the mailing list web interface (you will need to repeat the operation for each list you want to unsubscribe from):

  1. Go to the list environment homepage and log on.
  2. Go to the information page of the list you want to unsubscribe from.
  3. In the left menu, click on the 'Unsubscribe' link.

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